Information specific to the selected class

Strength & Conditioning For any student aged 7+

Created to help students develop strength and understanding in their bodies that will help them dance better.  This class is multi-disciplinary, open to all, and particularly suitable for boys and those more advanced students wahting extra time to be led by a teacher in exercises that are good for you - it's good to do your exercises with others and under the eye of a teacher for correction!

Arranged in the timetable between Boys Ballet, and unset ballet class and other syllabus classes, we hope this will develop a wide following and be really useful for our students.

In order to maximise access, we are also able to offer access tio this class virtually, as standard, so that students who wish to do strengthening exercises at home, or who can't travel in that day, or if the class is full onsite (!) can also access and benefit.

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